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Found 4 results

  1. Hello Indie Stone, I come here today to request permission for the font you use in the game, if you allow please send it to me, because as I am part of the Brazilian Portuguese language translation team, I would like to translate the new newspapers that will come in the game as you have been presenting in the news tab lately. I await a response and thank you for your attention!
  2. So I've heard that the NPCs are mainly being scripted in numerous timelines from various backgrounds, traits, and other conditions that are essentially being hand-made. Which I can absolutely respect as that would allow more "human" responses in comparison to AI. I understand the idea of event chains that act like a logic system in a way, but I can't fathom anything short of a small army of writers to make it possible. Atleast without years of development. So I propose the following; why not let us, the community and gamers help write scripts or events? I'm sure we've all been through a number of situations and reacted to them differently depending on our own character builds or goals. If they allow the player base to contribute to this end, it would allow the devs to focus on the mechanics end to aid in speeding up the final release of NPCs. Not only that but it would allow some great diversity in the PZ world as of course, not every writer is the same. This could be accomplished by giving the community some form of template and maybe bracket it into categories of responses, reactions, or goals. Or a similar tool to properly and effectively integrate it seamlessly into the game. Essentially give us the guidelines and a relatively basic tool to help create the NPCs you, the devs, envisioned. Because trust me, we the players would love deep, lore rich NPCs. One way I could think of implementing this is breaking it down by traits or prebuilt classes. This way we could formulate different NPC reactions and goals that could potentially mesh together with other traits depending on their capabilities or limitations. Maybe even adding in reliance on other NPCs (such as potential family members) for negative traits such as deaf, weak ect or vice versa for bonus traits. Maybe have npc cops, firefighters, soldiers ect try to do their jobs at first and maintain the crumbling civilization. The possibilities are endless. A way to allow us access to this could be a form of massive logic chains. Where inputs from the beginning of the game could be handmade by thousands of players. Such as family members, goals, occupation, and some background information such as preferences, relationships ect. Perhaps even slap on a labeling system such as traits, personality ect to easily organize and piece together multiple chains. Finally a team of moderators to accept or decline certain inputs/outputs or entire chains for rating purposes or feasibility. It could be something as simple as a blog similar to this one, or more complex as a plug-in or game extension. Or even a bit of basic coding. Anything that would allow us to effectively help the core game.
  3. Does anyone else feel that the Lit Candle as a light source is nearly entirely useless indoors? It barely makes a difference when lit, as far as I can see. I've even adjusted my monitor's brightness settings, etc., but that barely made it better (and I'd rather not have to do that every time Iplay). The smaller the room, the better it is (more surfaces) but for larger rooms it's terrible. Candles cast much more light in reality than this currently depicts. It makes having them in-game a bit pointless (for indoor use). Am I the only one with this complaint? I saw nobody else saying as mch in any topic when doing a forum search; or even a web search. Here's a scrennshot of me, zoomed all the way in, with a candle lit indoors; See what I mean... or, more aptly, don't see. It's nearly pitch black. With the candle lit. Almost totally black without (I can barely see the walls). Perhpas this is an issue that will be fixed, or with some kind of in-game gamm/brightness slider?
  4. Hello everyone On Steam now for free: No More Room in Hell. It's a free mod built with the source engine featuring (slow) zombies and coop. It's free so I tried it yesterday. Apparently it has been in development for 7 years and in beta for two and just got released for real on the 31st of October 2013. http://store.steampowered.com/app/224260 The first thing I noticed was that there is no HUD and no ammo counter, that's something new. To check your ammo you have to hold the reload button to count your ammo. The zombies (the slow kind, like PZ shamblers) look okay. I played for about half an hour and noticed some very annoying things like the unresponsiveness of the controls. Between left clicking and the character swinging his axe (only male characters so far, seriously?) there was a delay of about 0.5-0.75 seconds. Another problem is the unintuitive inventory management where it's difficult to see how much items you can pick up and how much inventory space an item takes. The graphics were fine though, but the unresponsiveness was a game-breaker for me. What's your opinion? (sorry for my poor English)
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