Small suggestions here, but I could not help but putting it out there. Equip a Spiffo plush to gain a sleep boost! Before the player would go to sleep, he or she would equip the Spiffo plush. This would give the player a "Comforted" moodle that would do something like reduce panic before sleep, or prevent the player from waking up early from a sound. The player would wake up with the comforted moodle and be temporarily less susceptible to fear. Equip Spiffo while outside to reduce panic! After an intense fight with a horde, the player may end up experiencing extreme panic. This can take a while to disappear and can mean life or death if you are forced into a showdown with more zombies. Equip a Spiffo plush to quickly reduce panic before another engagement. After panic is completely resolved, the player then would gain the Comforted moodle and be less susceptible to panic when near a zombie. In a world where the dead come back to life, people (NPCs) will kill you for a bag of chips, and the military that once protected you now have your head at the end of their sights... its good to know you still have a friend that can give you a little comfort. These are just some dumb little ideas. Just wanted to show some love for Spiffo!