Welcome to Thuztors Mapping Guide Version 0.2.
With this document I'm trying to teach you in using the Mapping Tools.
New in this version:
- new BuildingEd tutorial
- Your building on the original map
- some other useful stuff.
or better you look yourself what the guide has been to offer.
I hope it helps you out to understand the tools.
Here is the .pdf file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/adkkhrgxots0gn1/Mapping Guide_v0.2.pdf?dl=0
And sorry, if the english gramma is not as good as it should.
My native language isn't english.
You can find a list of planned expansions of the guide in the guide itself.
And here is content you maybe interested in:
The Last Stand Map for playing: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69737873/PZ/Sonstiges/mapping/MGuideLastStand.zip
Install: Copy the media folder in your ProjectZomboid game folder.
Overwrite - yes (the savefiles are in the folder with the name savefiles)
Four Buildings so far (use for free in your map): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69737873/PZ/Sonstiges/mapping/MGuide_buildings.zip
The Last Stand Map (it maybe has problems to load the textures correct [it's now a bit weird with the tileset path of maps and the programs]): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69737873/PZ/Sonstiges/mapping/LastStandMapMGuide.zip