Corpse removal mod, right click a corpse while axe or shovel is equiped to delete the corpse and get a chance at a loot item..... unzip it and place the file inside CorpseFun, also named CorpseFun , into the c:users/your name/zomboid/mods folder start the game, goto mods and select it and then start your game. while you have a axe or shovel equiped it will allow you to bury corpses or chop them up ( body peices coming soon). you can bury in grass and dirt and chop anywhere. works in multiplayer and single player. every corpse you chop/bury has a chance at dropping a loot item, there is 5 lvls of loot items it chooses from ... so it randomly picks if it drops loot, randomly picks a loot list lvl, then randomly picks a loot item from that list. and i think there is like a total of 385 items between the 5 loot lvl lists so far. will add burning corpses as soon as i can.