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  1. Is it perhaps that the filename has an extra ".png" in it? I think it should just be "preview.png", rather than "preview.png.png"
  2. Cheers Hugo, Ended up stumbling my way into - getSoundManager():PlaySound("GemGet", false, 0.5); - which is working. Can confirm dropping the audio files into media/sound/ works a treat. Appreciate the heads up on the Discord, have signed up there :)
  3. Hi all, Currently trying to learn how the whole modding dealio works, and am struggling to understand how to add a sound into a function. I have a sound attached to the recipe (i.e. the crafting phase) which works fine, but I would like a separate sound to play at the end of the crafting action (the OnCreate), depending on whether the user succeeded or failed in the craft. Similar to how you get a wood breaking sound if you fail to pick up a crate with carpentry, but I struggled to find that to reference. The current function is below - basically rolls to see if the user succeeds or fails in the craft, and rolls some flavour text options for each. Could anyone help with advising on: How to add a custom sound that plays solely for the player based on success (GemChance>=5), or failure? Where to place these custom sounds in the mod file to permit the function to locate/use them? Cheers, Quincy
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