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  1. I wish I could try Discord server, but this server required phone number verification. So cant chat, can only read.
  2. Under Name_items.txt item ButterChicken { DisplayName = Butter Chicken, DisplayCategory = Food, Type = Food, Weight = 0.4, Icon = ButterChicken, BadCold = true, DangerousUncooked = TRUE, EatType = plate, GoodHot = true, IsCookable = TRUE, Packaged = TRUE, MinutesToCook = 8, MinutesToBurn = 12, HungerChange = -20, UnhappyChange = 15, Calories = 600, Carbohydrates = 65, Lipids = 22, Proteins = 28, StaticModel = TVDinner, WorldStaticModel = ButterChicken, } Under Name_models_items.txt model ButterChicken { mesh = WorldItems/TVDinner, texture = WorldItems/TVDinner, scale = 0.04, } The mod works but textures missing. Tried with and without 3d model part. Secondly, so "model ButterChicken" name from second script is being referenced from name "WorldStaticModel = ButterChicken" in first script?
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