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FoxNeos's Achievements

  1. It was off when i downloaded game and rn too. My friends dont have this setting on too.
  2. I opened all of i can. I opened 16261 and 16262 everywhere i can do that. idk what can help.
  3. Where i can off this option? I cheched it on "online" and it was off.
  4. I contacted and they said nothing blocks this ports
  5. Yea, I do it yesterday. We still have this error and big ping no the server and this don't help a lot. I need to contact provider to fix this problems with ping? Or I need to do something else?
  6. Got some problems with this port when friends or i try to join any our server. We dont haved this error before. Host(i) opened ports 16261-16293 on router and in settings. Friends still got this error. This bug dont fix with redownload lua and game. this bug happen even without mod server.
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