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  1. Hello ProjectSky. Your code works really well. I'm able to add my custom items into the world where I need them to be. Is it possible to only have this done once? I don't want the items to spawn every time I load up the game, until there is 1000 items. Username2764 mentioned that they fixed this issue, but didn't say how they did it. I'm new to coding, and I have no idea how to add a flag or whatever, that will make the item only spawn one time. Any help would be appreciated. Edit* I've gotten my answer already. Thanks again, ProjectSky.
  2. Hello, I've got a working code for spawning items into the game world. However, the items spawn every time I load up the game again. Would anyone know how to make the specific Item only spawn once into the world, and then never again. Here is the code I'm using.. local function SpawnInventoryItem(sq) local x, y, z = sq:getX(), sq:getY(), sq:getZ() if x == 8184 and y == 8486 and z == 0 then sq:AddWorldInventoryItem("Base.WaterBottleEmpty", 0, 0, 0) Events.LoadGridsquare.Remove(SpawnInventoryItem) --once end end Events.LoadGridsquare.Add(SpawnInventoryItem) Thanks, -Raven Edit* I've gotten my answer to this question. Thanks again, ProjectSky.
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