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  1. Doctor profession overhaul or specific medical magazines Doctors come with knowledge to diagnose illnesses and see other players moodlets Hospitals now have medical tools such as thermometers, stethoscopes, vials, syringes, swabs, and new medicines like cough/cold medicine (can be made with herbs when upgrading first aid level and read the herbalist magazine) Ice packs used to treat fevers (not the Knox virus) pills that work similarly to lemongrass (a recipe to turn the lemongrass and more ingredients into said pills) a new recipe that you can learn to build a blood testing kit for blood infections such as staph or other bacterial infections using the syringes and vials and a box or lunchbox and set first aid level. Also if you get a cold from being out in the rain or being too cold, if you don’t treat it and you continue going on adventures and not resting, it has a certain percentage to advance into influenza causing fever, severe weakness and chills and of course loud coughing which could take several days to recover from, but can be aided with medications. you can learn how to make all kinds of remedies including a numbing agent to help reduce pain when stitching yourself of your buddies
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