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Soren's Achievements

  1. I will look into this and see if it helps. Thank you.
  2. Solved! I need some help. I've followed tutorial videos to get this far. The mod loads without error but no drops seem to be occurring. Any guidance would be awesome. Thanks! Please note I have the item drop set at 100 to test only, attempted at 1 same result. This is the item.txt (SVFlares.txt) is as follows: [spoiler][code]/** Temporary replacement for "Keycards" **/ module SupplyFlares { imports { Base } /* */ /* Items */ /* */ item FlareBrown { Type = Normal, DisplayName = Brown Supply Flare, Icon = FlareBrown, Weight = 0.1, } }[/code][/spoiler] The Lua(SVFlares.lua) file is as follows: [spoiler][code]Distributions = Distributions or {}; local distributionTable = { -- ===================== -- Room List (A-Z) -- ===================== all = { inventoryfemale = { rolls = 1, items = { "SupplyFlares.FlareBrown", 100, } }, inventorymale = { rolls = 1, items = { "SupplyFlares.FlareBrown", 100, } }, } } table.insert(Distributions, 1, distributionTable); --for mod compat: SuburbsDistributions = distributionTable;[/code][/spoiler] EDIT: The simplest code that worked for me was the following. This gave a 10 percent drop rate of the item on zomboid's. require 'Items/Distributions' table.insert(SuburbsDistributions["all"]["inventorymale"].items, "SupplyFlares.FlareBlue") table.insert(SuburbsDistributions["all"]["inventorymale"].items, 10) table.insert(SuburbsDistributions["all"]["inventoryfemale"].items, "SupplyFlares.FlareBlue") table.insert(SuburbsDistributions["all"]["inventoryfemale"].items, 10)
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