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  1. macOS VOIP feature does not work - macOS Version - 13.3.1 (a) - Game Version - 41.78.16 (Steam) - Singleplayer / Multiplayer - Multiplayer - Host or dedicated - both - Mods - No - Old or new save - Any Reproduction steps: 1. Open Project Zomboid application 2. Go to "Options", "Audio" tab 3. Select correct and working audio device. 4. "Signal from Microphone" volume indicator does not moving See attachment `Mic Not Working` for see bug in game. Potential cause of issue: In macOS (starting from version 10.14) to any applications use microphone, they are **required** to ask user permission through native macOS API and only if user allowed application to use microphone, it will work in app. I think, that Project Zomboid does not ask such permission. Possible solution: In order to do access microphone in your application, `Info.plist` file of application should contain `NSMicrophoneUsageDescription` key and code should call `AVCaptureDevice.requestAccessForMediaType` method. Bonus section: Actually, macOS have database file which can be edited to simulate user permissions (usually file is protected by system with System Integrity Protection feature) and if Project Zomboid row in DB is edited - voice in game is working! Watch attachment video called `Mic Working` Attachments: Mic Not Working: https://youtu.be/s9OqhHBOBcI Mic Working: https://youtu.be/2kNTM7txAV0 Links: Apple Developer API Reference: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avcapturedevice/1624584-requestaccessformediatype?language=objc
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