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Captain Busket

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  1. The issue ended up being that the recipe for LC_Salt or Large Salt Container used an improper syntax for the result. Instead of Result = LC_Salt, It should have been Result: LC_Salt = 1,
  2. Essentially, whenever I try to run the debug menu I get the debug screen popup and then my item list view is just a blank window. I've gone through the console.txt and found a few key errors. Not sure what's happening as I had it working just fine a couple days ago. Error message: File layout: My code: [spoiler][code]module BusketsBaking { imports { Base } model LC_Salt { mesh = WorldItems/LargeSaltContainer, texture = WorldItems/LargeSaltContainer, scale = 0.1, } item LC_Salt { DisplayName = Large Salt Container, DisplayCategory = Food, Type = Food, Weight = 0.75, Icon = Salt, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, Spice = true, HungerChange = -10, ThirstChange = 20, UnhappyChange = 20, WorldStaticModel = LargeSaltContainer, FoodType = NoExplicit, Tags = MinorIngredient;Salt, } recipe Pack up Salt { Salt = 5, Result = LC_Salt, Time:20, } model LC_Pepper { mesh = WorldItems/LargePepperContainer, texture = WorldItems/LargePepperContainer, scale = 0.1, } item LC_Pepper { DisplayName = Large Pepper Container, DisplayCategory = Food, Type = Food, Weight = 0.75, Icon = LargePepperContainer, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, Spice = true, HungerChange = -10, ThirstChange = 20, UnhappyChange = 20, WorldStaticModel = LargePepperContainer, FoodType = NoExplicit, Tags = MinorIngredient, } recipe Pack up Pepper { Pepper = 5, Result:LC_Pepper, Time:20, } }[/code][/spoiler] I also get the following stack trace message through the debug window. It fails on line 72, I think:
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