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  1. I am hoping someone can point me at some support posts or youtubes, as the ones I have seen have not been able to get me started yet. I am trying to host a dedicated server on my own PC for myself and friends to play, and then leave it running when I am not playing. I am using Windows 10, the latest version (41.78.16), and using the "Project Zomboid Dedicated Server" tool. I believe I have configured all of my port forwarding, both in windows defender and on my modem (my rules below). I am unable to see my server in the join list, regardless of whether I use StartServer64.bat or StartServer64_nosteam.bat. I edited both of those batch files to use the server I created (I had several); My line is: ".\jre64\bin\java.exe" -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dzomboid.steam=1 -Dzomboid.znetlog=1 -XX:+UseZGC -XX:-CreateCoredumpOnCrash -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Xms8g -Xmx8g -Djava.library.path=natives/;natives/win64/;. -cp %PZ_CLASSPATH% zombie.network.GameServer -statistic 0 %1 %2 -servername IAS-Server "IAS-Server" being the name of the settings and server name I had created for that server. Is there anything obvious I am either missing or doing wrong? Ports: UDP: 8766-8767 UDP: 16261 TCP: 16261-16278
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