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Everything posted by Anton2022

  1. One more user that has this issue https://steamcommunity.com/app/108600/discussions/0/3273564019247701608/?l=spanish I don't know how many people run it with Controller or Steam Deck and I don't know whether you have the data, but what I know for sure only little portion of people would take time to complain. Usually, only loyal folks. This lag makes it hard to play the game. Think long-term. I can buy it and play for 2 days. Even though I won't be able to refund I won't play it anymore. How will you sell me DLCs? Think of missed revenue and reputation (while it seems to be good now). Could you please debug it?
  2. I don't get email notifications for this thread. Sorry for the late response. I did check that. At first, I thought it correlates with CPU. But now I'm not sure. Let's assume your theory is correct. Axis input is dropped due to high CPU load. There should be a way to extrapolate. For instance if axis values drop then do not reset game's axis states to 0.0. There must be a reason why other games do not have this issue. Are you sure you are handling inputs correctly? Please do not take this as a personal attack. I love this game. The fact this is the only game that has this issue should be the sign of incorrect input processing inside of the game's code. Question to devs: for my own curiosity why does game have ControllerCacheState (and similar for mouse and keyboard? why does it store 2 states and switches between them? why not have just one? What's the secret? BTW: Sometimes buttons state is stuck in "pressed" state. It's as if game doesn't catch button release event. I'd need to press button one more time so it updates it's state correctly.
  3. Yes, that's my post. Are you the developer? I didn't realize that. As I mentioned on Steam the problem is elsewhere because I modified the bytecode and didn't help. Do you have Steam Deck? It seems it's pretty easy to reproduce if you set your in-game frame limit to 55-60 FPS. There might be a lot of people who have same issue, but they won't report it because it's too much hassle. I fell in love with the game so I took extra steps like reporting the issue and try to see if I can figure out it by looking through disassembled java code .
  4. Hello, As title says there is a bug in the game that causes character to halt when during high loads. Issue can be reproduced only using Controller. It renders game unplayable because zombies can get you and kill. Here is topic that explains the issue https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/zsqcvx/joystick_jittering_on_steam_deck_interrupted/ Here is video that shows the effect in action https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/zs9r9u/annoying_bug_with_controller_how_do_i_fix_it/ I decompiled bytecode and I see that there is a difference in how Keyboard's and Controller's input work. If Controller state wasn't polled then method that returns axis value will return 0.0 like below public float getPovX() { if (this.gamepadState != null && this.gamepadState.bPolled) { if ((this.gamepadState.hatState & 8) != 0) { return -1.0F; } else { return (this.gamepadState.hatState & 2) != 0 ? 1.0F : 0.0F; } } else { return 0.0F; } } There 2 threads GameWindow and RenderThread that can update bPolled state via ControllerStateCache. Even though ControllerStateCache has syncronized block m_stateIndexUsing m_stateIndexPolling udpates might not be immediately available to all threads. You need to make them volatile or AtomicInt to guarantee that values won't be cached by threads. Devs, please fix it I can't guarantee that's the root cause but I believe that methods like getPovX that check bPolled and return 0.0F might have that bug that causes character to halt on random occasions. That would explain why it reproduces only for thumbsticks. If you use different keys for movements it works.
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