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  1. HI all !! I made an item as container (his name TBoT.tbag) I spawn an unique object in the world the first load and keep in a unique VAR>> tbag When i reload a save game, the tbag variable is empty. I need to find a way to save the unique item and recover his identity in var tbag when i reload the game. Thx for help !
  2. function test() local player = getSpecificPlayer(0) local textebot=getModFileReader("NAMEOFMOD","texte.txt",true) local phrase = textebot:readLine() textebot:close() if phrase ~= nil then player:Say(phrase) local textebot=getModFileWriter("NAMEOFMOD","texte.txt",true, false) textebot:write("") textebot:close() end end Events.OnObjectLeftMouseButtonUp.Add(test) create a file texte.txt with a string. Clic left butoon show the string and delete in txt file
  3. hi all, I am looking for a solution to access a text file saved on my hard drive with my mod. thx for your help. GToF
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