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CyberMyth's Achievements

  1. Hi, folks! Did you install the server via Steam or SteamCMD? I was running into the same challenge when using the server installed via SteamCMD on Windows10 (installed via SteamCMD command, 'app_update 380870 validate', as per PZwiki.net). I could verify I was successfully connecting because I could change the port and get "server not responding" but change it back and get "getting server info". I attempted installing the server via Steam under tools and was able to successfully connect this server using the exact same settings utilized when attempting to setup and connect to the SteamCMD version and it speeds right past to, "joining game" using the same saved "favorite" connection that was not working with the SteamCMD installed version. *I did delete all files in '%userprofile%\Zomboid\' before starting the Steam server* Hope this may help you or other!
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