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  1. Just a suggestion for the sake of realism but while playing I just realized... Every time you kill a zombie, and find cigarettes on its corpse, it's always exactly 20 (representing a full, unopened pack). It's one thing to find even round numbers of cigarettes (in multiples of 20) in desks, or in convenience stores, etc., that's perfectly realistic as one would expect to see unopened packs in such locations. However, if we can safely assume that those zombies who are carrying cigarettes were, in life, likely smokers themselves, then we should see a wide variance in the number of cigarettes left in the pack they're carrying. It should, quite literally, be anywhere between 1-20, rather than exactly 20 every time, as realistically you should expect them to be carrying a pack they'll have already smoked a few cigarettes from. Thus from a realism standpoint, it might be better to have the loot generator select whether or not a zombie is carrying cigarettes (as per normal), but then if it determines they are, have a secondary RNG determine how many (between 1-20) they're carrying. Also, there should be a slightly higher probability that those people who are carrying cigarettes should also be carrying either a lighter or matches. Way too often I see zombies carrying cigarettes with *no way to light them*. Usually if people are going to bum a light, they're also the type who are going to bum a cigarette to begin with (i.e. it's uncommon for a person to carry cigarettes with no way to light them, it would be far more common to carry a light but to have run out of cigarettes, or to carry neither).
  2. Just a suggestion for realism sake that I think would also act as a QOL improvement for players but... Sometimes, even with Dexterous, transferring items simply takes longer than it realistically should. It's entirely realistic if I'm slowly and carefully placing things in order to maximize available space, but not if I'm simply casually (or hurriedly) throwing something into something else. For example, if I have a Chevalier Step Van with a ton of trunk/back space, the majority of which is currently empty, there's a horde of zombies bearing down on my position, and I just want to get a few things into the trunk before I get into the driver's seat and drive off, I'm not going to slowly and methodically place those things into the trunk in order to maximize available space, I'm just going to chuck them in there wherever they'll fit and worry about sorting through them later. I.E. realistically there are particular circumstances which dictate that one should maximize speed over efficiency. Or as another example, two players are playing on a multiplayer server and are communicating by walkie-talkie, one is at their base and is about to venture out, another will be returning to their base soon. The first player wants to leave a couple items behind for the second player before they leave the base. Realistically, that person isn't going to carefully store those items to maximize efficiency. They're just going to quickly toss them into a storage container, since they know the second player will be picking them up soon after anyways so it won't mess with their organization. Thus the solution I suggest is to have a toggle-able mode called Haphazard Transferral (or something similar). When toggled on, transferring of items will occur 50% faster, but any item you transfer will take up 50% (or even 100% if you want to weight the balance more heavily) more space inside the container that you transfer it to (with it granted a "Haphazard" quality that gives it the extra weight, with the quality being removed upon its removal from the container) to reflect the disorganized space-consuming way it was simply tossed into it. This way players are still incentivized to slowly and carefully transfer things when they're organizing items into containers within their base, or loading loot into their backpack (and trying to get as much as they can), but will have an option to speed up the process in those cases where they really just want to get a few items into something and don't care how much space they take up.
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