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  1. I am new to modding but have been looking around and found plenty of good resources and tutorials and have already gotten my foot in the door by creating a simple item mod. I would like to move on to something a little bit more advanced. UI. I want to change a couple aspects in regards to the UI but I have not been able to find anything about that anywhere. I downloaded some mods that make changes to the UI (Fuel Side Indicator & Backpack Borders) to try and better understand what others have already done but that has made me even more confused. I guess if anyone has any experience modding UI elements, like changing fonts/colors or adding icons and such. please share any resources that you may have. As for questions, I am most curious about the "IS" prefix I see before some classes. For example, FSI mod has ISVehicleDashboard. The Backpack Borders mod has "ISUI/ISIventoryPage" references but I cannot find anything about these anywhere! Also what is the purpose of the first line in the block of code? I saw this sort of initialization in multiple mods. ``` ISVehicleDashboard._setVehicle = ISVehicleDashboard.setVehicle function ISVehicleDashboard:setVehicle(vehicle) ```
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