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Everything posted by RainSBF

  1. I was hesitant to post this suggestion because it might fall under the 'Personal Hygiene", but reckoned the details of the suggestion itself were enough to distinguish it. The general idea is of a vomiting mechanic that comes into play in in two main situations. Firstly, as a side-effect of getting sick, such as by food sickness, water sickness, and so on. It would have the effect of not only emptying your character's stomach contents but dehydrating them as well. I'm thinking your character would periodically have a chance of puking as they're sick, with higher odds correlating to higher levels of sickness. I don't know if zombification should cause it, but I suppose it could work. Secondly, the ability to make yourself manually puke, whether by just using your finger (Or requiring no tool) or needing something such as a pencil or branch. This would allow you to purge your stomach contents in the event that you ate something bad or poisonous, at the cost of the aforementioned effects. It should probably leave you feeling queasy afterwards as well. I think it feels realistic and fits reasonably well into the game, and I didn't see any suggestion like it when I checked. Regardless, please let me know if someone's suggested something like it or it falls under the 'Personal Hygiene' rule enough to warrant deletion. Thanks. Addendum: I had a few more ideas tied into this mechanic. There's the possibility of vomit stains/puddles created by the character not just needing to be cleaned up, but also potentially making them queasy just by presence alone. Vomit could also dirty or degrade your clothing if you puke on yourself, such as if you puke on your shoes while standing up, or puke while wearing a bandana around your mouth. Additionally, the Weak Stomach trait could bear a higher chance to cause puking per queasiness level. Lastly, it's also worth considering how puking could impact your character's weight and/or be used to manipulate it. Perhaps by making it so you can only puke up food/nutrients you've eaten recently and only affecting your weight in relation to those consumables. Or, there could be a limit on how often you can manually make yourself puke, such as by having your character simply dry heave if you puke too often in a period of time, manually or otherwise, or having your character dry heave if haven't eaten/drank since you've last puked, correlating to your character having nothing in their stomach.
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