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Everything posted by Null3639

  1. Ah alright, thanks for letting me know I don't know how I missed them saying it wouldn't be put in
  2. The ability to carry players when passed out, or just carry them if they're injured. (When passed out it isn't your choice if you get carried or not, but when just injured it's toggleable if you'd like to be carried.) You'd be able to see the player carrying or dragging the other, if you're injured and being dragged the injured can use a weapon to defend the person dragging them. The person dragging or carrying can only use a pistol if one is in the inventory. The pistol would be concealed under the carried player which could be useful for tricking other players, but accuracy is really bad so you'll need to be up close. Restraints if someone has their hands up or is passed out. They can still move and everything but they aren't able to open doors or anything they'd do with their hands. Possible to keep the player still by tying the rope or putting the other handcuff around a pole or something. This is all assuming passing out does get put in.
  3. Okay, if anyone watched TWD or played Telltales The Walking Dead season 4, then you might understand what I mean here. They don't have to be called "Whisperers" and don't have to act as such, but having a hostile faction of NPCs that can walk amongst zombies, lead them to you, or use them to attack your group would be cool. It could be a preset event instead of it happening whenever. Either or. The "Whisperers" or whatever you'll rename them to can be killed among those zombies, like they'll actually be in the herd blending in instead of just a swarm of walkers showing up. Killing and looting one could give valuable stuff, the skin suit they use to walk in herds, possibly weaponry, rarely a map to their base. You could find a whisper in smaller herds gathering up more zombies as they pass through.
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