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  1. I think for now I'll just download a mod that adds a new vehicle and work from there as a template.
  2. Well I found Ringo's other tutorial about just reskinning a vehicle and successfully got my vehicle in the game. Only problem is, every single stepvan is my reskin. Also, the rust texture appears rotated even though they are all the same orientation. Progress?
  3. I just wanted to add a new skin to the Stepvan without overwriting any current ones. I made my images and everything according to Ringo's tutorial, but I'm repeatedly getting the error "Failed to load asset: AssetPath{ "media/models/Vehicles_mymod.txt" } My mod doesn't involve a new model, so I just copied the Vehicle_StepVan.txt file from ProjectZomboid/media/models and renamed the file to match my mod. I didn't see anything in that txt file that appeared to need changing since my mod is supposed to use the standard Stepvan model. What am I missing here? It has to be something simple. Thanks!
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