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Everything posted by Guard

  1. Ghillie suit is a useless and a rare item but It can be given a use to but without making it too overpowered which is the goal and this is what the community wants. So I suggest the ghillie suit to be a very underpowered camo for zombies but how to make it underpowered and meanwhile worth it? So I have an idea in mind which I am sure you will all understand. If your character has conspicuous trait then wearing a ghillie suit will remove the effect of this trait. If your character neither has conspicuous nor the Inconspicuous then the ghillie suit will give you the effect of Inconspicuous trait If your character has Inconspicuous Trait then wearing a ghillie suit wont make any changes. So for a person with Inconspicuous trait, ghillie suit will technically be a useless item. Balances : The weight of the ghillie suit can be increased and some protection values can be reduced to make it more balanced in return of giving this some special benefits. + If you're wearing a ghille suit you'll be moving slower aka speed modifier
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