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Everything posted by Pupper

  1. I do have enough RAM and the CPU power for it, im even running with 7gigs and i got good internet, the thing is that it happened even in a dedicated server a friend had some time ago, super weird thing i think i might need to record it happening so its more clear how it occurs
  2. • Version : 41.71 Stable • Singleplayer/Multiplayer? : Multiplayer • Host or dedicated? : Host • Mods? : None • Old or new save? : New So read this up... There is this glitch that involves fast moving vehicles, if you are a passenger in one that is very very speedy and your frienddo driver speeds it up (doesnt even need to add max speed on server settings like i did, as it happens with defauilt configs asswell) the Cells start to Vanish into a black void and they start to get closer, as soon as they reach you (EVEN IF YOU ARE THE HOST [as a passenger]) you freeze and the game breaks, only way to fix this when it happens is by rebooting the game. • Reproduction steps: 1-Get a car | 2-have a friend(or yourself) that enters any passenger slot of thy car| 3-speed up | 4-keep speeding until the cells unload behind you and enter the void. BEFORE you awnser me saying it a "Connection issue" i ASSURE you its not because it happened to me as a host and i tested it with modded vehciles and also with ZERO mods, and it been happening since 41.59. It may have to do with the way cells load/unload while you're in vehicles, since it only happens when you are fast enough. ~Pupper
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