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Everything posted by kachunkachunk

  1. Per my comment here: You can write a command/script in the CLI to request a nickname change via API. I was also able to rename the bot via my Discord Server (under the members list), but you need to have nickname management rights/privileges. Overall, I think the bot name should be decoupled from the server name, anyway, and be directly configurable. It's otherwise making unnecessary changes/requests to the portal, technically, renaming the bot on every server start.
  2. I see this issue as well. Really, when possible, I think the bot name should be decoupled from the server name, anyway. They are different things, after all. Putting things practically, it isn't quite right if I have to name the server itself "pz-chat" just so the bot can represent itself properly in my Discord server. Can we have the bot name-able in the server config? As a workaround, you can adapt this command to call a bot nickname change. You'd want to run this every time your server has finished starting. There is also a lockout for bot nickname changes after I think three times within so many minutes, just as a warning. Server start = 1, so you have a couple more tries. curl -H 'Authorization: Bot your_bot_token_here' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH -d '{"username": "your_bot_name_here"}' https://discordapp.com/api/users/@me
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