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Seanathous's Achievements

  1. At one point I tried deleting this file as well. Somehow it rerolled all the VHS tapes I had in my base, changing them to random VHS titles. Proceed with caution.
  2. From the main Zomboid screen you can click "Host" and it will be on the next screen. Again, I've only tested it on the host character and it also deletes your map. I'm not sure how to make it work for every player in the server or how it affects their Gamer Tags. It says it just deletes an entire character folder and I don't see folders for other players. Are these files saved client-side?
  3. The VHS list doesn't get reset on character death on my MP server running 41.68 with no mods. As the host I can workaround this by using the "Delete Character" button. It resets the VHS list and the map. I'm not sure how other people's characters can be deleted though.
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