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Everything posted by Chimp

  1. Chimp

    True Realism mostlist

    what the hell do you mean toxic? two months have gone by and not a single reply to even a conversation... how about you dont be such a damn child and only reply with nothing. your post is practically a negative post. all you did was detract from the nothing that already is.
  2. Chimp

    True Realism mostlist

    i thought this was an active and passionate community... so much for that...
  3. Hey everybody, when this game was advertised to me the ad said 'how well would you survive in a REAL zombie apocalypse' but what i found when i got here was silly durpy nonsense... xD I would like to put together a list of mods and sandbox settings to make the game as close to real world as possible. For example I found the default loot spawns to be really shotty. I maxxed out the spawns for everything but food which I bottomed out. This way every closet has a good assortment of clothes, every bookshelf has a good assortment of books, every toolshed has something meaningful in it. Just like you would expect in the real world, trying to grab every last useful tool or material isnt practical, instead you want to keep a mental note of where things are to go back for them later if you find the need. It was a real debate in my mind about the food loot spawns... zombie apocalypse is the only situation where the people might die off before the food runs out. Any other situation people die off because the food is gone, but I decided because this is a more suburban environment then an inner city that its much more likely that the food would be eaten up a lot more. Cars are common and mostly in good repair, this is america after all... The south is filled with cars and guns, so why wouldnt they be common place? I really dumbed down the zombies because i found them to be too eager and detection was too easy. Zombies are stupid, they dont have higher brain functions so they wont be paying attention too much, they wont remember for very long because memory is a critical thinking skill. There are a lot of things to go over, for example I would like weapons to degrade a lot slower, i can imagine a solid steel wrench breaking no matter how many skulls you crush. slow rolling cars should be largely unaffected by zombies save windows and tires that are particularly vulnerable. I like the idea of massive wondering hordes, like whole population centers that flood into an area and force you to move away until they pass. I could go on for pages but the point is, if it makes sense in the real world, thats the game that I want. If anyone has a suggestion for mods or settings I would appreciate it.
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