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  1. (Current Game Version) Basically I started my own playthrough solo and decided to throw as much food items in a freezer to prevent it from going bad. Long story short, I am now in my base and creating a sandwich. First things first is the bread is no longer fresh and this provides a mood debuff. While this isn't a bug I find it stupid that bread gives a debuff for not being fresh because in our day to day lives we eat that stuff until we see mold, then we throw it out. which would be rotten in this case. Back onto the actual bug. I made a sandwich, Bread, Ham, Cheese, Lettuce and Mustard. The bug is that mustard gives you a debuff when consumed on its own, which makes perfect sense. But when you put it onto a sandwich, You actually get added debuffs on your mood. That is the issue. This also applies to basically every non-perishable condiment. Ketchup included. I also feel like it would make sense if you used stale bread, and old lettuce for example in a sandwich, the mood debuffs would be at least lightened. As your character is eating a sandwich... thats gotta be comforting in some way.
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