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RatherAzure's Achievements

  1. This implies that the chances for an injury is 20/30/40%. I mean more like 1%, 3%, 5%. Not going to be a massive bother (or a bother at all) but the chance is always there and not negligible. Think of it as a downside of performing actions while incredibly tired or incredibly panicked. Or you know, just plain unlucky.
  2. Main Problem: First Aid is kinda.... useless. In a game about zombie survival, you'd think that First Aid would be the frontrunner on the list of "Most Sought After Skills" but its anything but that. Instead, it's been replaced by players being smarter about their strategy, opting to take "Thin Skinned" and "Slow Healer" and just never get hurt in the first place. Players never really need to go deep on First Aid because even one encounter with a zombie that didn't even result in a bite could end in their demise. Problem 1: The opportunity for the treatment for deep wounds are incredibly rare because deep wounds are incredibly rare. They are only received from either being a dumbass (crashing a car or vaulting a broken window with glass in it) or being shot at (only in Multiplayer). Solution: Make Deep Wounds more common. Players have a small chance of sustaining scratches, lacerations, deep wounds and burns from everyday tasks (Cooking, Carpentry, Metalworking etc), affected by Panic, Stress, Tiredness and Good/Bad Luck. "Thin Skinned" has a chance of transforming what would be a scratch into a laceration and what would be a laceration into a deep wound. Problem 2: It is not rewarding enough for someone to go deep on First Aid. The only difference between Level 1 and Level 10 is the effectiveness of treatments and insight into severity of wounds. Because apparently everybody in Knox County knows how to apply bandages that completely staunch bleeding and sew shut wounds. What? Solution: Players under First Aid 3 cannot completely staunch bleeding on a wound that is greater than a scratch. They can apply "Badly Bandaged" to anything greater than a scratch to staunch bleeding, but the wound will open through the bandage if the player starts jogging or sprinting. They'll need to re-apply the bandage if that happens. They'll need to either have or see someone with First Aid 3 in order to bandage a wound like normal. Solution: Players under First Aid 4-5 cannot sew shut wounds at all. Players with First Aid 4 can attempt to sew shut a wound with a 50% chance of failure and making the wound worse (taking longer to heal) Players with First Aid 5 can sew shut wounds like normal. (Not Really A) Problem 3: Some players have been switching Zombie Infection sources to only "Bitten" because they don't want to play the minigame of wondering whether or not they've been infected after every single zombie encounter. And to be honest, neither do I. Solution: At First Aid 4, players can craft a "Knox Infection Testing Kit" (Name WIP), detecting the presence of the virus immediately (or after 10 minutes). Problem 4: First Aid has no reward for making it to level 7+. Most other skills do. Solution: Upon reaching Level 7, the Player is granted suppression to the negative trait: Hemophobic. It no longer bothers them after performing that many operations either on themselves or on others. Here are my thoughts on the matter. First Aid, in its current state might as well not even be there as its strengths either rarely happen, are easily avoidable or are easily treatable.
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