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  1. Related Topic: The post linked above was created near the end of 2020, it's 2022 now and I'd say it is worth developing server support for ARM now compared to a year ago. More and more cloud server hosting platforms are offering ARM architecture at a much lower price for greater performance. It's an offer that only a few can refuse. It's probably more reasonable to host PZ on a home server considering the resource demands can reach up to 64gb of RAM which is quite pricey in the long run for a cloud scenario, but not all servers use a mega mod pack and have 50+ player slots. This is where cloud server hosting becomes a more viable option. "Then why not just host locally?" Hosting at home is convenient, but it's a security risk and not a lot of home PCs can run the base game and a dedicated server at the same time. I have a fairly powerful PC and I could run both base game and server at the same time, but in less than an hour I've already reached max temps even with fans on high. This is again where cloud server hosting becomes a more viable option. Something that cloud servers can do that home servers cannot is being able to host from any region around the globe. If I wanted to create a server for players both in America and Asia, I'd have to be in Europe (but I'm not). While I do have an extra desktop PC lying around, I'd rather pay for a VPS than an increased electricity bill since I'm just an IT student. "Then just get a VPS that's not ARM-based" Again as mentioned, "More and more cloud server hosting platforms are offering ARM architecture at a much lower price for greater performance." ARM is kinda the future of modern hardware. I'm not expecting ARM support to just appear in a day, week, or month, but I hope that the development team will consider looking into this in the future
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