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Everything posted by Scing

  1. Like I said, just copy/pasted TommyGuns into items.txt. \Desura\Common\Project Zomboid\media\scripts It's not the neatest, but worked for adding TommyGuns items and stuff in there. Added spoiler tags. Please use them next time. - RM
  2. Got it. I just copied/pasted stuff from TommyGuns into items PZ/Media/Scripts. Works now apparently. Lol.
  3. Not too sure what you mean... Here's my ZSpawn #2 Weapons, with just the names edited in where it was "Empty" previously. The top/bottom after the CreateItemButtons are what's stock in ZSpawn #2 Weapons. require "ISUI/ISPanel"zSpawnWeapons = ISPanel:derive("zSpawnWeapons");zSpawnWeapons.buttons = {} -- Create a table to hold our buttons so we can loop through them later.function zSpawnWeapons:initialise() ISPanel.initialise(self); -- Initialize the panel. self:create() -- Call the create function - where most of the work will be done.endfunction zSpawnWeapons:new (x, y, width, height) -- Create our new panel so we can add to to a window in the ZSpawnWindow.lua file. local o = {}; o = ISPanel:new(x, y, width, height); setmetatable(o, self); self.__index = self; return o;endfunction zSpawnWeapons:create() -- Create each of our buttons using the CreateItemButton function below. self:CreateItemButton(0, 0, "Pistol"); self:CreateItemButton(1, 0, "BerettaClip"); self:CreateItemButton(2, 0, "Bullets9mm"); self:CreateItemButton(3, 0, "ARmag"); self:CreateItemButton(0, 1, "Shotgun"); self:CreateItemButton(1, 1, "ShotgunSawnoff"); self:CreateItemButton(2, 1, "ShotgunShells"); self:CreateItemButton(3, 1, "556"); self:CreateItemButton(0, 2, "Pan"); self:CreateItemButton(1, 2, "Molotov"); self:CreateItemButton(2, 2, "KitchenKnife"); self:CreateItemButton(3, 2, "762"); self:CreateItemButton(0, 3, "BaseballBatNails"); self:CreateItemButton(1, 3, "BaseballBat"); self:CreateItemButton(2, 3, "Sledgehammer"); self:CreateItemButton(3, 3, "45"); self:CreateItemButton(0, 4, "Axe"); self:CreateItemButton(1, 4, "Poolcue"); self:CreateItemButton(2, 4, "Plank"); self:CreateItemButton(3, 4, "AKmag"); self:CreateItemButton(0, 5, "PlankNail"); self:CreateItemButton(1, 5, "Hammer"); self:CreateItemButton(2, 5, "ButterKnife"); self:CreateItemButton(3, 5, "ColtClip"); self:CreateItemButton(0, 6, "Pen"); self:CreateItemButton(1, 6, "Pencil"); self:CreateItemButton(2, 6, "Screwdriver"); self:CreateItemButton(3, 6, "MP5Clip"); self:CreateItemButton(0, 7, "RollingPin"); self:CreateItemButton(1, 7, "Scissors"); self:CreateItemButton(2, 7, "Crowbar"); self:CreateItemButton(3, 7, "RugerClip"); self:CreateItemButton(0, 8, "Golfclub"); self:CreateItemButton(1, 8, "Spoon"); self:CreateItemButton(2, 8, "Fork"); self:CreateItemButton(3, 8, "22"); -- Loop through our buttons table to initialize our buttons and give them their parent. for k,v in ipairs(self.buttons) do v:initialise(); self:addChild(v); end -- Credits, because, y'know, I love my fame. :~) streetCred = ISLabel:new(327, 361, 0, "Mod by Spyder638, and updated by Dylan1313", 1, 1, 1, 1, UIFont.Small); streetCred:initialise(); self:addChild(streetCred);end----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function to create buttons in a grid layout and add to a table. :: Input = Grid x coord, Grid y coord, string of items name -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------function zSpawnWeapons:CreateItemButton(x, y, item) local new_x = 45 + (110*x); -- Generate new coordinates so I don't have to manually find the x, y location for buttons. local new_y = 45 + (35*y); butt = ISButton:new(new_x, new_y, 100, 25, item, butt, zSpawnWeapons.SpawnItem); -- Create the button butt.internal = item; -- Give it an internal value table.insert(self.buttons, butt); -- Insert button into table.end---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function to spawn items into the players inventory :: Input = Button ----------------------------------------------------------------------------function zSpawnWeapons:SpawnItem(button) local inventory = getPlayer():getInventory(); -- Get the players inventory. local item = button.internal; -- Grab the name of the item. inventory:AddItem('Base.' .. item); --Add the item to the inventory.end
  4. How do you add items from mods in the menu? Like ARMag from TommyGuns or 5.56 ammo? I put the item name where it said "Empty". Doesn't spawn though.
  5. Didn't tear through the whole thread. I've fired weapons tossed in dirt, sand, completely submerged. Used my M9 as a hammer sometimes when you just gotta improvise. The safety sure as heck wouldn't stick and need a hammer.
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