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  1. Ok that's what I thought, makes sense. Will apply and test, thank you very much!
  2. Ok, I've reinstalled the server and all files but still don't see the Transmission for saliva only. Do you have the entry/line handy to post here, so I can easily add if you don't mind please. OR, which transmission number to input for SALIVA only. Much appreciated!
  3. Has anyone had this issue? Every time I log off and then back on later, all the roads and areas where I recently went are not discovered. However, it's only happening to me as others in the server map's are fine. Another weird thing is, it usually loads some basic roads around my base, so it's not a FRESH map wipe. Super weird and can't figure out why it's happening. If anyone has any idea, I'd really appreciate it! Love this game, but damn this map issue is annoying lol!
  4. Hey, one more question if you don't mind. If I want the server to have Saliva only for infections, what's the new entry? On the webpage you provided and my current config files, it shows the below. In Solo Sandbox you can change to Saliva only, which I assume can be done with a dedicated server as well? Thanks! Transmission = 1, (1 is blood/saliva, 2 is everyone is infected, 3 is no transmission)
  5. Also, do you have the entry for "saliva" only for infections? I don't see that entry either lol...
  6. Ok adding it manually worked. Server is updated to the latest build, and from today's update, weird. Appreciate the help!
  7. Ok, so my servertest_SandboxVars.lua file there is no entry for MultiHitZombies. Can I add it without causing issues, assume I can correct? If so, is there a certain spot I need to add it in? Thanks for the quick reply!
  8. Hello, wondering how to add multihit to a dedicated server. I see the option in solo sandbox mode, but nothing in the server's config files to enable. Can someone please assist, thanks!
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