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Hittos's Achievements

  1. Dear devs. It's day 131, and my desire of complete and utter destruction haven't been fulfilled yet, i still can't destroy those street lamps, and i REALLY want to destroy those street lamps. Much love, one of your beloved players.
  2. If it's in the suggestion forum mate, it means you can't actually break those street lamps.
  3. Dear devs. Street lamps is the only think i can't destroy in this game, they cost me 0.002L of fuel per hour, and I want to destroy street lamps. Much love, one of your beloved players. (Just editing cause i didn't mention : you can't dismantle or get rid of those in any way possible in the game)
  4. Yeah 0%, but even that is not not logic, is it? I used this method many times for clearing zeds, and this is the first time it happens. If it's broken, at least the siren would shut off by itself, it won't just let you get stuck with a siren you can't even disable anymore.
  5. Title is actually pretty self-explanatory. Used Dash Bulldriver's Fire Department's siren to attract and clear zombies. Once the job was done, i tried to cut off the siren. The option for the siren just disappeared from the radial
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