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Everything posted by n8atnite

  1. And to connect to the server's shell, use screen -ls to find active sessions, then do screen -x [session id.name] to connect. You should see output log of the server and will be able to type commands, although using RCON is a better option for that.
  2. Pro tips: Use symbolic links to make the directory path to your server files shorter/easier. Spaces in paths suck, so don't use them! (see the ln -s command in bash) Make a bash alias for your rcon command. Put something like "alias pzcmd=/usr/bin/rcon -H localhost -p 27015 -P [PASSWD]" in ~/.bash_aliases (if on Ubuntu) and do source ~/.bashrc to reload your bash settings.
  3. hey FOR ALL LINUX SERVER OWNERS i made a systemd service that works with 64-bit PZ. If you aren't familiar with systemd, it's the process manager that most modern linux distros use. I have tested this on a server with an already-active save folder (I ran the start-server.sh script first, then started using this method). The service file should look like this: Replace [USER] with the user that first executed the server (it might be steam), otherwise the server will prompt for a nonexistent admin account, then quit without loading the world. Replace [DIR] with the *absolute* path to your "Project Zomboid Dedicated Server" game directory (i.e. /home/user/.steam/steamapps/common/Project Zomboid Dedicated Server). Save the file as pzserver.service, then copy it to /etc/systemd/system. Reboot systemd: systemctl daemon-reload Start the server: systemctl start pzserver Check its status: systemctl status pzserver. You should see a green active status with terminal output similar to that of start-server.sh. To stop the server: systemctl stop pzserver. This will kill it immediately, so make sure to save it first. I recommend using RCON for sending commands like "save". To restart the server: systemctl restart pzserver. This is the same as stop then start. To make the server run at bootup: systemctl enable pzserver. Here is an RCON client that will work with PZ: https://github.com/n0la/rcon. If you have not installed this, the "ExecStop" lines with rcon should be removed. The service should still work, but the server will stop ungracefully. With autosave this shouldn't be an issue but keep in mind some things may break if you shut down with players online. You can easily integrate these commands with any scripts or admin tools you have written. Happy admin-ing
  4. ...why that's even a player-controlled setting in the first place... ok thanks
  5. In other games, when in fullscreen mode, the mouse is "locked" to only the game window and cannot pan onto other displays. In 41.53, I can drag my mouse onto another display while in game. If I click while the mouse is outside the game window, the UI context will switch away from the game and onto my desktop or other app (depending on what I click).
  6. I experienced the exact same thing, also on 41.53.
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