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  1. Also, the place itself is from a workshop item I believe( Westpoint extended or something like that) , but the issues with the furniture weren't part of the building and are a result of me moving all the furniture around.
  2. Hi, here are a few bugs I noticed where things are being layered or drawn over incorrectly, Cars will pretty often get full walls drawn over them when parked right up against them. I noticed it with crates too. The microwave got drawn over the shelf here, note I moved the counter, built the shelf, then placed the microwave. Similarly with the small bookcase, I built the shelf, then the small bookcase. It seems that a fair bit of the way the game layers its graphics is determined by what is placed first. Not sure if that is the case, or if these are just bugs, and individual items are told which order they need to load in compared to other textures. Thanks for the great game <3.
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