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Everything posted by Khemeher

  1. Dear Developers, DISCLAIMER: I've written this letter with a certain degree of humor, but please understand this is a very, very serious issue. You've created a lovely game, and you've done a great job of adding in realism for the sake of immersion. I'm really proud of how far you've come & what you've been able to accomplish thus far. However, today I'm sad to report I've discovered an immersion breaking bug that threatens to unravel the entire game, and invalidate all the hard work you've invested. Your game is set in Kentucky, and you have liquor bottles named "whiskey" in the game. Do I need to spell this out for you? In Kentucky, they make bourbon. In point of fact, Kentucky is one of the few places on the planet where you can make bourbon because the ground water is filtered through limestone - which along with a few other brewing details is a crucial element of making bourbon as opposed to whiskey. Forget the part about zombies - this abomination is the real horror element of your game. I don't think it's hyberbole to say that even zombies wouldn't be caught dead in a part of Kentucky where there is no bourbon. What makes this situation even more aggregious is the fact that the region of Kentucky in which the game is set is right in the middle of the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. https://kybourbontrail.com/map/?gclid=CjwKCAjw2uf2BRBpEiwA31VZj6bpT8zOjffj2EIyZjOD6evp8FHSJgMTRB-xusfNPTVSkID_2zZtRhoC4yQQAvD_BwE I honestly don't understand how such a thing could have happened. You've taken time to add Southern touches like remoulade and modjeksa to the game, but somehow this crucial element slid right off your radar. Someone screwed up, and there is no excuse for it. In order to atone, I feel that the development team needs to spend a few days on the Bourbon Trail in Kentucky for research purposes, so that this gross oversite can be corrected. If you haven't done so previously, trust me when I say that doing so will be time well spent. It's not too late to fix this. It shouldn't take much work to replace the word "whiskey" with "bourbon." You're still in development, so I'm willing to overlook this unbelievable error...once. However, now that I've taken time to bring this to your attention, I hope that you will search your hearts, and make the only correct choice. Thank you. This message has been brought to you by the Kentucky Bourbon Zombie Gang. #zombies4bourbon #kentuckyzombiesmatter #bourbontrailzombies
  2. I have a repeatable bug to report. If you take a bag of food, and stick it in the fridge, it will not get cold. Same with the freezer. Pretty sure that's not intended, but I could be wrong.
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