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Posts posted by Alexsander_R

  1. The most recent is umbrella. The player has one 'Open Umbrella' for each umbrella type instead of only one 'Open Umbrella' and the option to choose wich one will open. Other example is 'Open Ammo Box'. Instead of one recipe for each ammo type, how about the player choose 'Open Ammo Box' and then wich type wanna open? Bellow is the list with suggestions:

    • 'Open Umbrella' and then choose which;
    • 'Close Umbrella' and then choose which;
    • 'Open Ammo Box' and then choose which;
    • 'Open Box' and then choose which (nails, screws);
    • Simply 'Open Box' and then choose which (ammo, nails, screws);
    • 'Attach something to spear' and then choose which;
    • 'Open can' and then choose which;
    • 'Dismantle Eletronics' and then choose which.
  2. Here the translation mistakes/bugs that I fond is this new version:


    • This is a old one. The action Rip Clothing is translated as 'Rasgar Lençol' but 'Lençol' is especifficaly the piece you put at window or door as curtain. I think the best general translation would be 'Rasgar Tecido' or 'Rasgar Peça';
    • The item Broken Glass isn't translated. The best translation would be 'Vidro Quebrado';
    • The generator is translated as 'Gerador à Gás', but 'Gás' isn't the abreviation of gasoline in portuguese and means gas like oxigen, carbon dioxide, etc. The correct translation would be 'Gerador à Gasolina' or simply 'Gerador';
    • The 'garden saw' item isn't translated. The best translation would be 'Serrote';
    • In the foraging menu, the 'Fish Bait' option isn't translated. The best translation would be 'Isca de pesca' or 'Isca para pesca';
    • In the foraging menu, the 'Put items in main inventory' option isn't translated. The best translation would be 'Colocar itens no inventário';
    • In the foraging menu, the 'Put items in + (Name of bag)' option isn't translated. The best translation would be 'Colocar itens em + (Name of bag)';
    • In craft menu, the 'Close Umbrella' option isn't translated. The best translation would be 'Fechar Guarda-Chuva';
    • In craft menu, the 'Open Umbrella' option isn't translated. The best translation would be 'Abrir Guarda-Chuva';
    • In craft menu, the 'Note: Crafting Items taken...' note isn't translated. The best translation would be 'Observação: Os materiais usados são pegos tanto do inventário quanto das redondezas';
    • The 'Hand Torch' item isn't translated. The best translation would be 'Lanterna de Mão';
    • The 'Toolbox' item isn't translated. The best translation would be 'Caixa de Ferramentas';
    • When you click to dismantling a door, the 'Door' isn't translated. The best translation would be 'Porta';
    • The Chardonnay wine item is translated as 'Vinho Chardonnay' but I think the best translation for this case would be 'Vinho Branco';
    • I think all hair dyes items aren't translated;
    • 'Make Up' menu and it's options aren't translated;
    • In Options, the 'Render rain when indoors' screen option isn't translated. The best translation would be 'Renderizar chuva quando estiver em um interior';
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