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Everything posted by SpiritRetro

  1. i would do this myself but im a C# programmer and i dont know java or lua. here are the design details for the mod: note: this is NOT a cure, its is mor elike treatment and stopping it from taking root a mod that when a player contracts the zombie virus, the first few hours proc 3 checks, if one fails then the infection is removed form the player (but not the game) this check starts at difficulty 1 but gains +2 to the number needed for each conditon: wound disinfected poultice disinfected bandage common mallow used not in pain not hungry not over exerted the checks occur while the player is both queezy and infected with zombie virus, once the player goes to the enxt stage of being sick, then the mod just stops and things proceed as normal. a balancing idea i have is the if you have multiple wounds that get infected with the zombie virus each additional infected wound decreases the check requirement by 2. this mod would help balance things out between cautious/unlucky players and those who make stupid mistakes, and was thought up because i am currently having issues with cointracting the Z virus from ANY scratch, happens as soon as i get scratched for the first time, and i know this because im good enough to avoid gettign injured for quite along time unless i make an unlucky turn. lore wise this also falls in line with movies and games where just because your infected doesnt guarentee zombification if you treat it properly (or in this case opbscessively) and would mirror not letting nthe contagion get a hold and start replicating in the bloodstream, i'd like to think that the z cirus works against the host simmilarly to aids in that it destroys the immune system, this mod would mirror the immune system fighting back before being destroyed
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