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Everything posted by AlexB

  1. I don't think it would be much of an advantage honestly. It only removes the "need" for sheetrope (which is easy to find) and 1 nail to escape. And that's if you have the skill to begin with, have it leveled enough to justify attempting a roll rather than eliminating the risk of injuries by simply making a sheet rope.
  2. Varying Zombie Traits Basically where different traits are either activated by a % of spawn rate or "types" of zombies as in "freshly turned, regular, and old/decayed". ---Also note, that this could be controlled by options or difficulties/other mechanics. Doesn't have to be completely game-altering. Some could sprint while others quickly shamble, shamble normal, or shamble slow (or simply fall over like they're mentally handicapped and crawl or struggle to get back up ) Some could also have varying levels of hearing/sight/smell/strength/health depending on either chance or 'realistic' circumstances. Such as the state of decay they've reached or even THEIR inventory. That is, the professional zombies in the new update might be bogged down with gear and move slower, or the ones from the universities might have a bag with books in it... just a thought (watch out for the fresh/naked ones I guess ) New Skill - Parkour Not anything super crazy, but maybe the ability to safely land a roll out of a second floor (if skill is leveled, or if perk gained from profession). Able to jump tall fences unless barbed or whatever. Able to climb in and out of windows, over counters, over small fences quicker (and maybe retain some momentum) Able to climb up walls for 1 story, flat-roofed buildings and get on to the roof. Could be balanced with % chance to trip, injure yourself, quicker stamina drain, etc. depending on skill level or even just always. Rain could also effect this (higher chance to slip and fall - could be fatal/debilitating if the drop is large enough) NPC Behavior This one is a random thought I had -- have some hostile NPCs attack you intelligently. Such as once they know where you're staying, to stalk you a bit and when you're inside they may throw a noise maker in there to flood you out and potentially be somewhere waiting for you. Random ideas, lemme know what you guys think
  3. Wow that's an extremely useful list, thanks man
  4. True that but how do you even penalize those skills? Is it "AthleticismModifier" or something added to an item? I'm not familiar with all of the available commands.
  5. Actually I'm finding a lot of the answers from reading this But if anyone happens to know a very straightforward list of traits for items (such as an updated list from the ones found on wiki) and simple commands then by all means, post it here please
  6. That link looks promising but I have no idea what I'm even looking at lol. No idea how to actually use that code in notepad or with the base files. I know how to add new items based off of old templates, and how to change character traits through that (i.e. add or reduce hunger/happiness/tiredness/etc) but I'm at a loss when I try to slow the characters walk/run speed, or make the zombies have double damage, etc. What I'm essentially looking for is a list of traits you can add to items or put inside existing files in order to mess around with the game on single player at least. I understand some of the code is probably hard-coded in the sense that I'd have to actually code in AI for more complicated bits in order to mess with zombie behavior or whatever. But when you change zombie behavior (shambler, fast shambler, or sprint) there is a speed characteristic being modified somewhere and I'm trying to find out what that command is. Same thing for when you gain a level in sprinting. You become faster due to a new value being added to a particular command behind the scenes. Trying to find out what that command is so that I can code items to add/reduce speed, health, etc. Or is that something that I'd have to actually write extensive code for? Sorry for being somewhat vague, but I'm not sure exactly how it all works. So I'm trying to find as much info as I can on having the power to change the game without getting into actually having to take courses in lua/java/etc in order to change something. I'm not trying to be a professional modder, I'm only trying to mess with a game I love.
  7. That's what I mean, haha. Everything is scattered. I don't understand the source code well enough to make my own list and other mods only have the features they decided to include, not all of the possible ones. That's why I'm hoping someone will have already made a list of their own or help cut the learning curve down quite a bit.
  8. I'm somewhat familiar with modding but all of the information that I need seems to be ridiculously scattered. I'll occasionally stumble across gems like "HappinessModifier" and other tools that I can code into the vanilla "items.txt" etc in order to mess around with items, recipes, and create new effects on the player. My questions is, is there a way to access a list of all the modifiers, parameters, and "commands" of sorts in order to start messing around with the code without actually having to learn how the entire game works and what each individual module/function is for? I've checked for wikis on the subject and I can only find one incomplete one for general item properties and modifiers for moods. But where can I find the functions() that I could use to change movement speed, general AI behavior, etc?
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