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Everything posted by Fjörgynn

  1. Yup, I was reading a bit, trying to dig deeper but without any results. Syntax seems to be ok, yet it isn't. That's why I've posted issue here - I'm out of ideas.
  2. Here's how it looks: http://s13.postimg.org/hi6okyehz/zombo.jpg
  3. I was thinking same, so tried both - all arguments with dot / colon but it didn't worked :/
  4. function error: perform -- file: HCBarricadeAction.lua line # 28 bugged action, cleared queue it shows only on client side. no errors on server side occurs.
  5. Like in title, in multiplayer mode spikelog barricades are instantly disappearing when placed, and error popup in console window about bugged line #28 in file HCBarricadeAction.lua. They do exist tho, cause after placing invisible wall is created (zombies are attacking it too) and dead zombie body texture on the floor (cannot grab it, I suppose it's bug related). In single player mode mod is working fine. Here's the code (all file), maybe someone had same issue before. Thank you in advance for any help / suggestions and sorry if I misplaced my post, I'm new around. http://s13.postimg.org/hi6okyehz/zombo.jpg [spoiler] [code] require "TimedActions/ISBaseTimedAction" ISAddBarricadeAction = ISBaseTimedAction:derive("ISAddBarricadeAction"); function ISAddBarricadeAction:isValid() return true; end function ISAddBarricadeAction:update() self.item:setJobDelta(self:getJobDelta()); end function ISAddBarricadeAction:start() self.item:setJobType("placeBarricade"); self.item:setJobDelta(0.0); end function ISAddBarricadeAction:stop() ISBaseTimedAction.stop(self); self.item:setJobDelta(0.0); end function ISAddBarricadeAction:perform() self.item:getContainer():setDrawDirty(true); self.item:setJobDelta(0.0); self.character:getInventory():Remove("HCLogbarrier"); if isClient() then local args = {x = self.sq:getX(), y = self.sq.getY(), z = self.sq.getZ(), sprite = self.sprite}; sendClientCommand(self.character, 'Hydrocraft', 'placeBarricade', args); else HCPlaceItem.placeBarricade(self.sq, self.sprite); end ISBaseTimedAction.perform(self); end function ISAddBarricadeAction:new(character, sq, item, sprite, time) local o = {}; setmetatable(o, self); self.__index = self; o.character = character; o.item = item; o.stopOnWalk = true; o.stopOnRun = true; o.maxTime = time; o.sprite = sprite; o.sq = sq; return o; end [/code] [/spoiler]
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