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Digheld Drakendrengi

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Everything posted by Digheld Drakendrengi

  1. There should be a button for stopping any current action. Just pressing "P" for example, and you stop any action, reloading, moving items, equipping items, reading.
  2. The phobias currently in PZ are few and... well only few, but many more should exist. There should be phobias such as: Hemophobia - Fear of blood: If there is a significant amount of blood, the character should panic Hydrophobia - Fear of water: Not able to fish (or panic if doing so) Kinemortophiobia - Fear of FLIPPIN' ZOMBZ: Panic more when seeing Zombies Monophobia - Fear of being alone: Become sad when alone (when NPCs are added) Amychophobia - Fear of scratches: Panic when scratched etc.
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