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Everything posted by rekaeps

  1. I hear about pz to be THAT GAME about zombie survival, sandbox game and blabla.... But When I play it, it was bad....Too similar to dayz or other open world zombie game, no chalenging or good just a flat concept. I am certainly part of a minority or only to have such opinion of PZ but i do fell that my duty was a costumer to express opinion about the game futur. I do a countdown thing that I hate or thing to upgrade to be a better experience. -empty world Yep there nothing to see and make look not like post-apo game but a t.v reality show that got create for a conster to do stuff in it and people have fun to see it do dumb thing in it. I know the concept of snadbox game But it does not excuse the fact of Pz to be empty, after all it set in a post-apo world soo wreck car, blood, more elaborate scene(than a ketchup on the wall) and soo on. It felt deconected from what is hapening and what hapend and felt again like a t.v reality Jonhy who do dumb thing for view. -The''survival''aspect of the game It is broken,there no survival here, it just a hippie commune simulator. Before you kill me, let me develop my point. Have try to survive house to house,like a long wanderer, I died.....only after 3 day and 1 week of random bullshit event. Horde of z just appear of no-where, random gun shot all the zombie to next to me,etc. So I check video for help or trick, They all the same build a hipie commune and live like hipie of plant and rain water,TRYLLING IS A HUGE WORD TO DESCRIBE WHAT I HEARD, blocking zombie from see me and avoid them to spawn, just broken.... Survive 3 week before immolate himself of boredom. Change it to easy to survive, just boring and pointless. -You will die The worst thing in the game, their no point of me to play if it me dieying again and again and again for be like'' hey guys, i survived 1 week''. It bad, you are not forced to have a huge storie but just please for the love of any powerful entity, please do something make us fell that it not pointless or useless, Spawn every player with a text ''you will die, do you to shhot youself now''. those are my opinion about Project zomboid and I felt that ''the zombie survival game'' fell like a boring and generic zombie piss survival game with no ambition. It have potentiel but it unfortunaly just bad game.
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