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Posts posted by chthonic

  1. I like your reply, roker, because it simmers with hatred

    Your point is I'm a guy who wants the game for himself, I'm a clown and totally stupid. I get your point. 

    But I have one question for you and maybe for other passive forum users who join the pack of jackals to hate on this topic. 

    What can possibly make PZ be developed faster other than hiring more people?

  2. I understand I'm being a douchebag forum whiner, but I must say this.

    Employ more developers please!

    The development takes forever as of now. It's been 3 years since the first build, and we're still in alpha.

    1) There is a ton of bugs that could be fixed even by scrubs like me (eg, a pack of cigarettes weighs more than a bucket) I believe, silly bugs like that are still there because you don't have time for them?

    2) People want multiplayer! When are you going to deliver it? Many of the players want zomboid only because of multiplayer. There are games like "the forest" with occulus rift support that will be out by that time, and god knows what else cool stuff will be. 

    3) PZ has a gargantuan potential and it's being wasted. While so many features could be added, like jailing and stuff, we aren't even going to see the planned ones in the nearest 2 years. 

    4) Now you don't have rivals, because PZ is the best in the genre. But will it be best in say 2 years if nothing changes in your attitude?

    I just don't understand this policy of indifference. The cooler the game, the wider the auditorium... Do you really believe the investment in developers won't pay off? 

  3. I had to add "id=ModName" line to the mod.info file, so the game loads at all.

    But the mod doesnt work with the current (14) version of the game. The spraypaint doesnt show, as stated above. Waiting for fixes

  4. These are some very nice suggestions. I like all of them a lot, except for maybe the ones that have little use, like turning on TVs for distraction. In my experience, electricity is always turned off in the first 2 weeks, so the feature becomes useless later on.

    I feel like composting should be added first, because it's the most obvious thing. I live in eastern Europe and practically everyone who has a garden here uses composting.

    I mean, in the world where you'll run out of synthetic fertilizer eventually, using composting is just too easy and obvious to ignore it.

  5. I'm glad the system is finally into the game. Good job! 

    I have a few offers though. Repairing an axe or sledgehammer with glue or duct tape is just too unrealistic. It works with knives and hammers and pans, I believe, but you can't do that with an axe for example. Why? Cause axes and sledgehammers are used for heavy duty. Duct tape or glue won't hold a cracked handle together. If a handle of an axe is broken or cracked, one just makes a new handle and puts the head on it, then keeps the tool in the water until the head holds good on the handle

    Not speaking about the tool getting blunted, of course! Sharpening with duct tape, lol

  6. I just noticed a bug with this on .16. It removes the option to put backpacks on your back. 

    Like your mod, especially the addition of barricading with extra tools. Excellent idea!

    Although I feel like you should work on rebalancing weights more. Like making cigarettes weigh less, and shells and bandages? And other stuff, that is unrealisticly heavy ?

    Also the addition of jaw stabbing with pens and stuff I feel is utterly useless. No sane man uses pens or knives or that kind of stuff in zomboid. Instead maybe think of rebalancing pan and pool cue and rolling pin? I mean you are likely to beat a man's brains out irl if you hit them with a rolling pin hard.

    Anyways, keep the good work up! Best regards

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