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The Dragonfruit

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Posts posted by The Dragonfruit

  1. I think improvised weapons have almost been completely ignored in this game so far, excluding random objects and the famous spiked bat; I think components should be item drops (pipes, wires, electronics, poles, rebar, etc.), which can be crafted into creative and brain bashingly fun alternatives to the standard baseball bat and frying pan. Components and junk parts can be found in crates, trash, and in items that can be dismantled (adding more usefulness to items like the screwdriver), and can be interchanged when constructing. Maybe this can be expanded into a skill, with the higher levels allowing you to build more complex and dangerous weapons of mass de-zombification (broomstick with knife taped to end is easier to make than a lethal taser/ hand cannon).

    Item ideas-

    broomstick, wires, electronic scraps, gears, screws, bolts, pipes, tapes, springs, etc.

    Weapon ideas-

    broomstick+fork+ripped sheets= crappy spear

    Propane tank+pipe+tubing+electronic scraps= flamethrower, or a gas powered nail gun

    Pipe+wiring+battery++electronic scraps+nails= lethal taser

    Also, I think wiring and piping should be incorporated into base making for better infrastructure

    An example would be water collection barrels with pipes leading indoors into storage barrel/dispenser

  2. Maybe this is against what project zomboid is about but aren't the zombies a bit too strong? I mean, some can take 10-20 hits with a crowbar without event falling down- I think zombies should succumb with 1-5 well place blows, but have a higher chance to injure you if you mess up.

    Also, when sneaking up behind a zombie, one strike to the head should be fatal (well, fatal enough to kill them again).

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