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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Floaters and the ability to swim would be interesting. Make swimming possible for players, but with a high cost... never know if one is going stanch you... *ooOOooooo* Also, holing up next to water would be very scary.
  2. My cat catches and eats bugs in real life. haha
  3. Hello everyone, I have a few ideas, some for flair and flavor. Food: I know we have Savory Pies, but can we make Fruit Pies as well? Simply let us choose the type when like when you pick stir fry or veggie stir fry. Various types of apple icons, like chips. Green and Yellow apples would add some flavor. Blueberries, cranberries, well... more berries. Different types of melon. Limes Honey More fish to catch! Pardon, if some of these are in the game already. It would be fun to see. Clothing color, socks, shoes, and more. Maybe allow socks to be equipped on feet and hands to add to warmth. Hats... I don't want to turn it into a zombie themed hat simulator, but where are my cowboy hats and baseball caps? Shoes... Cowboy boots, high heels (unpractical to wear, but hey, more practical that a butter knife as a weapon haha), sandals. Full dresses for the ladies, speaking of which, for giggles let guys wear the lady clothes... the gals can already wear men's clothes. Allow us to make wash dye clothes different colors, if it is possible. Give guys long hair styles and a mullet... business in the front, party in the back! Pet ideas. I know there is a thread on pets already, but I figure sense I am on a rant might as well put them here! Pets would have their own skills, maybe even vary depending on the animal. Maybe give animals random traits when they are rolled, one positive one negative. Dog, cat, and horse are the animals I can think of... anywhere here we go. Animals are immune to the zombie disease... but doesn't make them any less tasty to them. Cat skills: Cats naturally have max sprint and nimble, and night owl abilities. The cat's main focus is to hunt small animals, and npc aggression control. A cat isn't the best critter to have to physically fight zombies, but is a great way to get a steady supply of food, and lure away threats. If you stay on their good side of course, and don't pet their bellies. Can't carry at lot, maybe a limit of 2-3 units for their inventory. Upsides are cats are very self maintained, require little from the player but food and water. Down sides are cats are very picky and will only eat animal food or animals/bugs/fish, also bore easily, and will need rest often. Agility ------- Lightfoot - Same as humans Hide - Allows cat to drop zombie/npc aggression. Higher the skill better chance of success, and makes the cat hard to detect by sound and sight. Higher levels make it where you have to be on the same tile to see said cat. Cat's can't move while hidden. Prowl - Same as sneaking in humans, but with higher success chances. Survival ----------- Hunt - Find small critters/bugs, higher the skill... better chance cat brings back small animals/bugs alive and ect. Distract - Allows the cat to distract zombies/npcs. The higher the skill, the better at the animal drawing aggression. Either by making load noises or yowling. Combat ---------- Accuracy - Same as Humans Evasion - Higher the skill the less chance the cat will be hit, and if hit less damage taken. Dog skills: Dogs have max sprint ability and Bloodhound smell ability. Dog's focus is to damage and protect. Dogs are great for detecting incoming zombies, and bringing them down. Can carry a little more than a cat, 3-4 units for their inventory. Can make a harness to allow for more carrying power at the sake of slowing said dog down. All around man's best friend. Upsides are dogs will eat and drink anything, well rounded, and provide a lot of moral boost. Down sides are need of constant attention, can flee in terror if untrained enough or not high enough relationship, causing even more zombie trouble, and needs to eat and be watered often. Agility -------- Lightfoot - Same as humans. Prowl - Same as normal human sneaking, no bonuses like cat. Survival ----------- Scavenge - Similar to hunting cats, but also gives a chance for other food and items... and pet toys? Distract - Same as cats, mind you dogs don't have aggression drop abilities and stealth. Detect - This I guess naturally goes up as long as a dog is alive, the dog can sense which way hordes maybe be arriving to great you, and alerts you when zombies/npcs are near by. Combat ---------- Accuracy - Same as humans. Take Down(?) - At 0 dog can use a one shot ability/knock down every real life minute(?), every level gives higher accuracy for ability, and lower cool down. Courage - Allows the dog to stay in combat longer and tire less the higher the skill, with 5 skill the dog is willing to die with his/her human. Horse skills Horses max sprint and will move x3(?) times as fast a healthy, well rested, human. Horses main focuses are transportation and supply movement. Very high carrying power, and even more when equipped with harness. Able to ride if relationship is high enough. Downsides horses are very stubborn, and will leave you to die with your crap, and will only fight to save it's self most of the time. Agility -------- Stamina - Allows the horse to move faster with higher weight values, and run for longer amounts of time. Lightfoot - Same as humans. Nimble - Same as humans. Survival ----------- Riding - Allows the horse to ride it longer, with 5 being doesn't mind you at all. Combat ---------- Accuracy - Same as humans Back kick - Knock down and large damage. This is all I got on animals... and thanks for reading that lol. Also, I know graves for players/zombies/npcs are coming soon... allow Stones/Planks/Branches item to use to make headstones! Thank you for your time, Lulu
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