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encampedwalnut's Achievements

  1. Me too because whats the point of being stuck inside when it rains and having to deal with hearing the noise?
  2. Alright so I thought about this for while and finally decided to post it. My friend and I were playing in splitscreen and he ran off to explore and found the sun star hotel... I noticed theres this little garden thing in the courtyard. What if you spawn during the Christmas time there would be a Christmas tree in that garden thing? Whenever you spawn in a certain month the map is the same always right now. How about adding a seasonal start item list thing. Like say for instance I start the game in December right. There will be Christmas decorations and there will be alot cold weather gear, while if I spawn in June there will be fireworks and a bunch of Independence Day decorations. Same thing with fall. If I spawn during October there will be Halloween decorations everywhere, also there will be costumes that you can find in the Halloween spawn. Every month that is near a holiday should have appropriate loot for it and it stays that way forever unless you remove them yourself.
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