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Posts posted by Neetzow

  1. I don't see how Vitalsine's fix couldn't work.


    I literally fixed the mod myself yesterday (just for the heck of it) doing it differently than Vitalsine but in the end my private fix and his one do the same..


    Check your console.txt which is located in C:\Users\username\Zomboid


    "username" would be your windows username (the account you use to log into windows)


    The file might be in another place  - the above is for Windows 7


    Search for "Exception" in the console.txt - I found out yesterday that this "unlimited" ammo bug happens if you do not register the weapons/ ammo correctly with the script.


    I did an extensive test with my changes yesterday and it worked both singleplayer and multiplayer in all reload difficulties - so Vitalsines Fix should also work (mine is unneccessarily more complicated in fact).


    The only difference between his and mine would be that I split up the single file into different files: ammo, handguns, shotguns, rifles and submachineguns. And then I decided it would be fun to automate adding magazines via ReloadUtil:addMagazineType()

     and weapons via ReloadUtil:addWeaponType() - though I've gone a bit overkill on the latter function call in some aspects.




    One thing that bothers me a bit is that this mod overrides the files





    This isn't much of a problem currently (it should work just fine - I compared the files of Project Zomboid and the files the Mod provides and except additions from the mod itself the file is the same) but it will become a Problem once Indiestone adds changes in a patch to those files - if you then use this mod and it's not updated it will cause bugs with the Game


    Haven't looked deep enough in the code, so it might be that this is a neccessary evil if NCrawler has had no other way of interacting with the Build/ Farming menu at the time he was writing the mod.

    Actually, it`s werider... We`ve just started another save, and there is no infinite ammo anymore.




    Wait, I`m lost, so if this question is misplaced, sorry... anyway, here it goes:

    Are we IWBUMS 31.10? How I follow up to know our actual Build (the numbers after the ".").


    Thank you, and sorry. 




    Infected in the Health panel has nothing to do with the Zombie virus, I believe.  That just indicates a regular bacterial infection in the wound.

    Scratches and such caused by both zombies and other things can display the orange "Infected" text next to the wound. There is no real way to tell the difference between the two.


    Sorry... I`m dumb as ... well as dumb as possible... how the "term of agreement" for IWBUMS answers my previous question, that was: Are We IWBUMS 31.5, .6, .7, .8, .9, .10??


    Current Publicly available Stable version is Build 31.9 IWBUMS idicates that the version is available only to those who decided that they want to participate in Beta testing. It is available and is more or less the current version but it's not fully available to the general public.


    Thank you very much!


    Wait, I`m lost, so if this question is misplaced, sorry... anyway, here it goes:

    Are we IWBUMS 31.10? How I follow up to know our actual Build (the numbers after the ".").


    Thank you, and sorry. 




    Infected in the Health panel has nothing to do with the Zombie virus, I believe.  That just indicates a regular bacterial infection in the wound.

    Scratches and such caused by both zombies and other things can display the orange "Infected" text next to the wound. There is no real way to tell the difference between the two.


    Sorry... I`m dumb as ... well as dumb as possible... how the "term of agreement" for IWBUMS answers my previous question, that was: Are We IWBUMS 31.5, .6, .7, .8, .9, .10??

  4. Wait, I`m lost, so if this question is misplaced, sorry... anyway, here it goes:

    Are we IWBUMS 31.10? How I follow up to know our actual Build (the numbers after the ".").


    Thank you, and sorry. 

  5. After several tests I've got it working. It was easier than I thought. If you'd like to make the changes yourself here is the info:


    1. Go to /username/Zomboid/mods/NCYawMod/lua/shared/Reloading/

    2. Rename ISReloadUtil.lua to NCYawModReload.lua

    3. Open the file with Notepad ++ or similar editor and replace the ENTIRE FILE with this code:

    (...) I`ve needed to supress all this...

    OR get the file on my dropbox, and simply delete ISReloadUtil and put NCYawModReload in its place. Can't wait to use these on my server! Woo! Hope I was able to help bro. After a bunch of tests it seems everything is working correctly.





    I`ve tested that fix yeasterday... It has infinite ammo on multiplayer...

    BTW, how I enable mods on multiplayer, without simply merging the media folder from vanilla with the media folders from the mods? (found in the forums)

  6. I can tell that Insomnia haven`t worked on build 30. I`ve tried it on December, without luck. Maybe on Build 31, I don`t know? Any chances of you updating it?

  7. First, Other mods? I know you have an "another weapons mod" (by the way, a great work). I didn`t know about others.

    Seccond: Of course I can test it! :D Just give me instructions :D.


    Do you need my e-mail or Skype? How I can give you them?

  8. Hi all, I have been busy IRL updating my companies ERP system and in the middle of it had to complete a Microsoft Audit.  I should be able to get the mod updated this coming week, barring any unforeseen problems at work.  Thank for your patience.

    Yohaai! He is back! God bless your fingers so you can put it together as soon as possible. I`m gathering my family to play on a server, and I really want to use this awesome mod!

  9. (...)



    It's a Food Preservation mod that I put down last year and have since picked back up.  It will include:


    1. canning fruits and vegetables

    2. canning fruit jams

    3. sun dried fruits, vegetables and meats

    4. jerky

    5. fruit and vegetable juices

    6. hardtack


    Just a few more recipes to finish, a few graphics and then I will be ready to give out to one or more people for testing before I release it.  Interested in testing?


    I`ve just found my new hero in this community!

  10. _Yeay! Finally found someone who is actually updating the mod regularly! I will wait for your next update before trying, but after reading the 12 pages of positive comments I`m very excited to try it!

  11. Hello? Are you still keeping this mod pile up-to-date? I guess that it will be a lot of work with this new build 31, but there are lots of cool mods in your pile that where left to rot by their dads and mums, and that would be worthy to be kept running.


    I gess lots of players wold apreciate to see the pile running with 31.



  12. i had the issue on 31.4 that i wasn't able to remove any items from containers when i had your mod activated. Maybe you'll have a look on that :) thx

    I had the same problem a couple of times in 31.4 so far, but without any mods in it... I gess it`s a game issue... by the away, it seemed a little bit ramdom to me... Like, I visited this house one day, and couldn`t take anything from its kitchen... the other day I went there again and managed to move item from the containers. Also, the day the container were "freezed" I could check the containers in other places... (the bathroom, for example).

  13. yupee! Found What I was looking for... most of the modders seems to have left their work to rotten since build 30 was released... just please... don`t give up on running along the new builds.






    - I don't like the new kind of exertion, because it isn't sufficiently different from being tired. I know that there are some ingame differences, but they don't make sense to me. I want the player to tire from physical exertion and mental stress, so that he is finally tired and his overall performance both physical and mental drops. So please combine exertion and being tired and just call it tiredness. The new exertion should have different stages like "warmed up", "winded", "exhausted" and have a short time effect and quick recovery. The effects should be the same as being tired.

    Finally the character is tired to quickly and it takes way too long to be exhausted.



    This is exactly what they're moving away from, though. What you're suggesting- the old exertion-  made no sense at all. No one gets tired after swinging a baseball bat 4 times or running for 14 seconds. No one gets exhausted from jogging for 20 seconds or swinging an axe once. That isn't a thing; it makes no sense.


    Being sleepy and being worn out from manual labor are two very different things. Maybe your lifestyle is different from mine, but if you've ever done physical labor in your life you'd understand that sleepy and worn out are completely different things.


    There is a difference between being physically tired from a day of hard work, and being sleepy. There is also a big difference between working all day and being too exausted to continue, and sprinting across 3 city blocks and needing to take a breather, rest for a moment.


    I agree that while the new system is a welcome change to manage long term exertion over the course of a day, there should still be some mechanic to have a shorter term limit.


    You try fending off 3 people with a baseball bat, crowbar, etc and not be tired and need a rest afterwards. It can be pretty tiring, I would imagine. (Don't actually try, sounds very dangerous :P )


    Hi Anon I agree this would be more realistic, but... the problem is that this is the system we *did* have and it didn't work, since it just forced players to back up for 10 seconds, and arbitrarily slowed things down without actually adding anything to gameplay. We watched a ton of Lets Plays and it just lead to boring monotonous combat where it was fight a zombie, back up wait for breath, fight a zombie, back up wait for breath, and it had zero impact beyond forcing these boring retreats every 20 seconds or so.

    It may not be as realistic being able to carry on swinging for a long while, but the gameplay ramifications of this are immense, since that player would suffer the consequences greatly a while later by spending too much of their energy fighting zombies. Sometimes we have to go with what makes for the most fun and engaging gameplay (to play and to watch). Besides the new system is more realistic in other ways to counterbalance this.

    Kind of akin to knocking back shots of whiskey and thinking they aren't having an effect, so you have another but still don't feel drunk so have another, drinking too many then them all hitting you like a ton of bricks at once. Punishing the lack of forethought. That delayed reaction can lead those who are reckless to a dangerous spot 10-20 minutes down the line.



    From my point of view, gameplay comes first. But, that's one thing that could balance the so told problem of the "short time tiredness": Adrenaline. It's not uncommon that people under dangerous situations have a "rush" of strength and energy that are not normal for them...


    Think about it:

    If you sow an freaking dead person standing up and coming for you, your heart would come to your mouth, and you would suddenly run like hell, even being tired. Afterwards, you would be in shock, and would sleep for 10hs (or dont slleep in panic), but you would not wait for the zombie to eat your brains just because "I'm a little tired... just had a 1/2 mile run, and can't do it anymore".


    Also, its very common that people with even fractures, in the "heat of the game" don't realize their injures and pain until they cool down. It's specially true when people are doing sports. By the other hand, when they find out, vomiting and fainting are their smaller problems...


    But again, for me, gameplay before realism. Although it's better when both can give hands.


    Well, just saying...

  15. I like the idea but not for the regular game. Possibly sandbox options because i have read of books where they are more like wolves and wild animals that reproduce and hunt (Amazing book btw but i wont advertise) Then there are games that have more "Interesting" zombies like how to survive and left for dead. If they were all combined into one it would be terrifying so i propose sandbox.

    Yes, that's it. I also think that sandbox would fit better to it.


    It's an interesting idea. I don't really like the idea of mutant zombies all that much myself, I appreciate that PZ's zombies are more of the classical type, but options like decomposition and the nature of infection would be fun to play with.

    I don't like much the mutant zombies myself, but, I'm pretty sure that there is someone out there that would enjoy.

  16. Ok, as I said, sorry, It's my first post... 
    I will try to clarify what I have in mind, but, btw, I usually play sandbox anyway...
    I started thinking about it when I've seen the screen shot from the build 30 menu. There you can see that they added feel more options because of Erosion (an awesome mod, by the way).
    So, what I've meant was something like this:

    On the Zombie Lore panel, add the following options:


    Day/Night difference? (If yes, opens the following):

    Day behavior:

    Movement Speed options (the ones we already have).

    Movement Smartness options (same)

    Memory (same)

    Senses (same)

    Hide indoors or not



    Night behavior: 

    Again you chose from the same options, allowing you to make it harder at night and easier at day, or the opposite.


    Zobification infectivity:

    Options like: <There is no rest>, everybody is infected, but you only zombify after death (more interesting with NPCs and multiplayer).

     <It's a matter of time>, everybody is infected, meaning that you clock is ticking.

     <You can save yourself, not your arm>, Infection by scratches and bites, but can be avoided if you amputate fast enough.

     <Classical> The vanilla setting for infection.

     <We are all doomed> We are all infected, bites and scratches speed-up the process unless the related limb is properly severed, and  when you die, you will come back also (everything above put together).


    Zombification "extras":

    Do zombies mutate (like in resident evil)? If so, it means that in sometime they will become something worst (smarter, stronger, and more deadly... think about something jumping from a roof, or spilling goo on you).

    Time for mutation: How long it takes for the regular Z's become worst.

    Mutation Rate: from, i don't know, 20 to 100% of the Z's, how many will randomly mutate.



    Does it eventually kill the zombies (the ones that don't mutate, if the above is true)?

    How long it takes?

    Does it effect then in any means? (here are the vanilla options for decomposition).


    I know that probably there are thing up there that are unfeasible, but, I hope I've explained my thoughts now...

    If its still unclear, or it should be in the mods section, just tell me.

    If its ridiculous, please, just pretend you've never seen this post. I prefer to die not knowing it was stupid...

  17. Ok, first things first:

    Sorry if I did something wrong by opening this tread... it's my first one.

    Sorry if I commit any typing mistakes: I have a huge bandage on my finger... Last scavenging night got pretty rough when that baby "z" should out of nowhere.

    I've played this gamer for just a week or so, and I felt in absolute love for it! So, devs and modders, congratulations for such am incredible job!


    Now, the thing that I miss to see are more options to the zombie lore. And that's why I've opened this tread.


    You see, there are several different "types of zombies".

    If you watch Will Smith's movie, for example, they don't like the light, and get dormant during the day. If you watch "walking dead", the thing is different.

    There are zombie infections that only need a scratch, and you are done. There are others that you can't even drink water from where a Z felt in (and I'm not taking about  the fact you would be drinking poisoned water). There are others that you only need to get worried if they take a good piece of you out.

    There are zombies that get actually stronger with time, due to mutation (like in Resindent Evil), and there are others that would eventually fall and return to mother Earth on a bright day, where hope would be back to survivors. And there are others that although would not become devils with time, would not disappear either.


    I think  you got what I mean by now.


    If I had enough knowledge, I would mod that stuff myself. And I must say that I'm even considering to start studying IT just because of it. But, I would love to hear that the Dev's, or some awesome modder, embrace such an Idea.


    So, that's it, and sorry again if I mistakenly posted some dumb stuff, or anything like it.


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