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    Rubik's Cubes, programming, gaming, and playing the trumpet.

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  1. All I needed to do is use the parameter OnCreate in the recipe. Then, create a lua function, which will be called when the item is created. There, you can add what you want to change about the recipe, and add more outputs. Recipe: Lua: Thanks Deadend.
  2. Okay, so I was having problems getting OnCreate to work. Then I realized that my function was local. So I have that bit working now. Now, I can guess what the parameters player, and result are. I would assume that player is the player crafting the item ( you ), and result is the item crafted. So, a few things. If I change what the result is, does it change the result of the crafting. Lets say that I change something about it, say its age, does it carry over the the result, without any further coding? Also, what is the parameter items. What data does that contain? Thanks for your help.
  3. Thanks for the answer. I will give that a look.
  4. What I am looking to do is to process an item into several simpler components. Specifically, I would like to be able to process a TreeBranch into Twigs, stick, and leaves, where TreeBranch and Twigs are part of the Base, and stick and leaves are custom items. This works fine: I understand how to return a single item, but what is the best way to return multiple, different items. I could return several more generic items, like a stick, that can further be processed into twigs, or leaves, but I would much prefer to return several items, if it is possible. Example of generic to specific items:
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