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Everything posted by Horor

  1. I'm not that sure about the climber, well, it makes sense in a way, but i wonder if it would'nt be too much powerfull. But the idea of zombies with misssing limbs is really neat! For the Howler i think i would be really scary (wich is a good thing, right?) even if not really realistic. And i love the other two (Hider & Floater). I feel like zombies coming from the water would be a sight so awesome that i would risk my character getting killed just to see it. I can already imagine a broken bridge with cars that fell into the water and zombies coming out of it... that would be perfect. and can we haz zomb dragonz too pleaaase? pretty please?
  2. Thanks for the welcoming (and this...suberb...song...) Now that you told me there will be zombies with much more clothing, i'm a happy survivor!
  3. I know! I know! Please don't throw rock at me, nor shoot me a link to the "Commonly Suggested Sugestions" topic, i've seen that there is this : [n] "Special" Infected or any type of superhuman zombies Let me explain! I'm not talking about some Left 4 Dead zombies here, just a real variety of zombies, just like the humans are varied. All we currently sees are averable looking zombies, male or female. I think i would be fun to have much more variety. Like : black peoples as zombies (or any other race but i doubt you could tell the difference on such zombies that far from the "camera").Taller zombies that would walk and run way faster than the average zomb. but would be more frail or prone to fall when hit.Smaller zombies that would...yeah i let you guess this one.Fat zombies that would be slower but harder to kill.Obese zombies, that would act just like the fat ones, but slower, and even harder to kill.And i think it was already suggested but : Policemen zombies (carrying a billy club, a gun, and wearing his uniform)Firefighter zombies (with their helmet on (that would make them harder to hit on the head), carrying an axe and wearing their uniform)Soldier zombies (carrying a badass gun and wearing his uniform)
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