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  1. Ive found a different problem for myself now i can get it working on certain professions but i cannot get it to work on others. There is only 4 that im trying to figure out Chef Unemployed Burglar Repairman elseif profession == "chef" thenplayer:getinventory():Additem("Base.Pot"); This is a bit of code im using and i cant find the problem for it if you get the chance could i have some assistance with the correct naming for those 4 professionsthank you
  2. ive been trying your code and various iteration of it but i cannot figure out what i am doing wrong if p:HasProfession = "FireOfficer" then -- Check for the profession instead of for a traitgetPlayer():getInventory():AddItem("Base.Axe"); That is the code im trying to get working as just a test
  3. Thank you very much RoboMat
  4. Hi, I have been attempting to modify my game in an attempt to make it so when i pick a certain class I.E: Policeman. i would spawn with a pistol and some ammo, i can make it so that i spawn in with this if i am any class but i would like it so that if i pick a class i spawn with certain items relating to that class i would love to have some assistance from the community if i am worth your time Thank you
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