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GoliBroda's Achievements

  1. Hi, i that you are working on optimalisation and balancing but i think it is about time to make something for better atmosphere in game. First thing is more various clothes with simple logos and letters, maybe camo colour, few outfits and hoodies that u can unzip. Few hats like baseball hat, fullcap and something similar to rick's hat from The Walking dead. Few camuflages and the most important thing, bags. This will help with expression of self and add a lot of atmosphere to game. Secound thing is animations, just simple animations like lying, sitting on a ground and chairs, maybe hands up and cheer. Just imagina that you and your friends are sitting next to fireplace and cooking stuff
  2. But then you see same distance if you are on the ground and if you are on high places.
  3. Hi, my suggestion is make an option to scroll screen sideways with mouse if you are at a height.
  4. Well... Do i need to say something more? When weather is rainy drop the bucket, bottle, watering can etc and after few minutes take it filled with water.
  5. Make gas-powered generator. You need gas can for use it. The genarator are noisy.
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